Take your spelling practice offline with worksheets for: ke and ki words.
In this word list, we will explore words that contain the hard /k/ sound, specifically those spelled with k before the letters e and i. This spelling convention helps to distinguish between the hard k sound and the soft s sound produced by ce and ci.
For example, in kettle, the k is used to create the hard /k/ sound. This pattern is consistent across many words in this list, including key and kitten.
As you engage with these activities, pay close attention to the spelling of these words and practise using them correctly in your writing. Understanding this rule will enhance your spelling skills and help you become more confident in your word choices.
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 2. Spelling the consonant sounds, Part 1
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King's Leadership Academy, Warrington