Study the word list: Authors 25/10 Study
Learn using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check: Authors 25/10 Learn
Spelling Games: Authors 25/10 Games
Listen and Spell test: Authors 25/10 Test
Printable worksheets and activities: Authors 25/10 Print
Handwriting worksheets: Authors 25/10 Write

Print: Authors 25/10

Printable worksheets and activities

These printable and downloadable spelling and word list worksheets and resources are ideal for working offline:

  • Word Search, medium printable version.
  • Word Search, large printable version.
  • Connect the words - an activity to connect words to the correct sentences.
  • Fill in the words - write the correct words worksheet.
  • Letters activity - eight words on one sheet, cut-out letters on the other sheet.

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