sub- modifies its meaning, often implying a sense of lower rank, position, or degree.

Let's dissect a few common meanings associated with words containing the prefix sub- and delve into examples illustrating each meaning:

Submarine: A watercraft designed to operate below the surface of the water. The prefix sub- suggests its ability to travel beneath the water.

Subtract: To take away or deduct a quantity from another. The prefix sub- signifies the action of taking something away or reducing.

Subconscious: The mental processes occurring below the level of conscious awareness. The prefix sub- here refers to something hidden beneath consciousness. , subject subway submit subtle subvert subtract subject subcontinent submarine submerge subheading subdued submerse subscribe subtropical subcontractor " />
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One of the students has put in a huge amount of effort in completing Spellzone at least 3 times a week since his arrival with us in January. Looking at his scores after the latest GL testing, his standardised score has risen from 99 to 131. This is a truly phenomenal result. I just wanted to share the best result I have ever seen.

Terrie Penrose-Toms, Casterton College