Can you spell all the words correctly? ign words. Try this test!
Ign words feature a silent g and use i to spell the long /i/ sound.
For example, in sign, the g is not pronounced, but the i still makes a long sound. Similarly, in design, the g is silent, but the i remains long.
Click on the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation of each word and have a go at saying each one.
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 7. Long vowels e.g ee, ea or y? oa, o-e, or ow? u-e, ue, or ew?
"Spellzone fits in beautifully with our Scope and Sequence of Phonological Awareness and Spelling. It also aligns perfectly with the four areas of spelling knowledge and uses the Brain, Ears, Eyes approach to learning spelling."
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