The long -o sound at the end of these animal names is spelled with just the letter o. Many of these words describe unique creatures, some of which will be well known, while others might be less familiar.
For example, the rhino is a large, herbivorous mammal known for its distinctive horn. Another example is the armadillo, which is a small animal protected by a bony shell. Some of these animals, like the dodo, are now extinct, while others, such as the gecko, are common in warmer climates.
These words showcase the diversity of the animal kingdom and help build vocabulary related to nature and wildlife.
Try a Look, Cover, Say, Write, Check activity to learn how to spell these words or try a spelling game to test your skills.
The most common rhino is the white rhino.
The palomino horse has a golden coat.
There's a herd of buffalo by the lake.
The armadillo has a shell made of bony plates.
The cowboy prepared his bronco.
The dingo is an Australian wild dog.
The dodo was a flightless bird which is now extinct.
A flamingo is a long-legged pink bird.
A gecko is a small lizard.
Hippo is short for hippopotamus.
Jumbo is a pet name for an elephant.
My Dad was bitten by a mosquito.