Study the word list: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2 Study
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Study the word list: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2

Explore this spelling list: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2. Here, you'll find everything you need to excel in spelling. Explore the various learning activities and complete a spelling test to evaluate your progress.

About the word list: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a poignant portrayal of the impact of colonialism. Set in Nigeria, it follows Okonkwo, a respected warrior whose world is shattered by the arrival of European missionaries. The novel explores the clash between tradition and change, and the devastating consequences of cultural imperialism.

Enoch Enoch is a fanatical convert to the Christian church in Umuofia.
Ogbuefi Ogbuefi Ezeudu is the oldest man in the village.
Ezeudu Ogbuefi Ezeudu was a great warrior in his youth.
Chielo Chielo is a widow with two children.
Akunna Akunna is a clan leader of Umuofia.
Nwakibie Nwakibie is a wealthy clansmen.
Kiaga Mr. Kiaga is a native-turned-Christian missionary.
Okagbue Okagbue Uyanwa is a famous medicine man.
Uyanwa Okagbue Uyanwa was summoned by Okonkwo for help in dealing with Ezinma’s health problems.
Maduka Maduka is Obierika’s son.
Obiageli Obiageli is the daughter of Okonkwo’s first wife.
Ojiugo Ojiugo is Okonkwo’s third and youngest wife.

Use the list: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2 Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2

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Spelling test: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2 Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2

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Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2 Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Things Fall Apart - List 2

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