Study the word list: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Study
Learn using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Learn
Spelling Games: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Games
Listen and Spell test: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Test
Printable worksheets and activities: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Print
Handwriting worksheets: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Write

Study the word list: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2

Explore this spelling list: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2. These words are tailored to support your spelling journey. Try out the spelling games at the bottom of the page.

About the word list: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2

Key words for GCSE Geography.

intermediate Intermediate technologies are sustainable technologies that are easily learned and maintained in the country of use.
international International aid is the offering of money, goods and services by one country or organisation to a less developed country.
literacy The literacy rate is the percentage of a population that have basic reading and writing skills.
microfinance Microfinance is the loaning of small amounts of money to help people in low income countries to start businesses.
mortality The infant mortality rate is lower in more developed countries.
postindustrial Postindustrial economies are economies where the majority of employment is now in service industries.
science Science parks are hi-tech establishments normally found on university campuses.
service The service industries include commercial, professional, entertainment and personal industry.
structure Industrial structure is organised into four categories primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary.
technologies Information technologies help to speed up the spread of information and improve communications.
tertiary The service industries are also known as tertiary industries.
trade The buying and selling of goods between countries is known as trade.
transition The demographic transition model maps the birth rate, the death rate and natural increase.
transnational Transnational corporations operate and have establishments in more than one country.

Use the list: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2

Winter spelling gameSpelling Snowball
Winter spelling fun!

Egg hunt spelling gameEgg Hunt
Crack the eggs!

Word search Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Print version

Against the clock Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.

Mayan Temple spelling gameMayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.

Monkey Business spelling gameMonkey Business
It's bananas!

More games


Spelling test: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2

More worksheets and activities


Handwriting worksheets: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2 Handwriting worksheets: GCSE Geography: The Changing Economic World 2

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