Study the word list: The l sound after w Study
Learn using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check: The l sound after w Learn
Spelling Games: The l sound after w Games
Listen and Spell test: The l sound after w Test
Printable worksheets and activities: The l sound after w Print
Handwriting worksheets: The l sound after w Write

Study the word list: The l sound after w

Explore this spelling list: l sound after w. Take advantage of these interactive exercises to help you spell accurately. Choose between games, tests, and downloadable activities to learn in a way that suits you.

About the word list: The l sound after w

To spell the sound /l/ at the end of a word after w, use al or el.

bowel The doctor was concerned that his patient might have bowel cancer.
dowel He secured the dowel.
jewel The ring was encrusted with a jewel.
towel The baby was wrapped in a towel.
trowel We use a trowel to put the cement on the bricks.
vowel Each word list looks at a different vowel.

Learn more about these words in the Spellzone Main Course: Unit 26. Word endings: -le, and exceptions e.g. al, el, ol

Use the list: The l sound after w


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for The l sound after w Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

robot arm look
robot arm look
robot radar
robot spelling

Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: The l sound after w

Spring spelling gameSpringtime Spelling
Spring into spelling!

Egg hunt spelling gameEgg Hunt
Crack the eggs!

Word search Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Print version

Against the clock Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.

Mayan Temple spelling gameMayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.

Monkey Business spelling gameMonkey Business
It's bananas!

More games


Spelling test: The l sound after w Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: The l sound after w

More worksheets and activities


Handwriting worksheets: The l sound after w Handwriting worksheets: The l sound after w

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This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.

Other word lists from Unit 26. Word endings: -le, and exceptions e.g. al, el, ol

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