Study the word list: Characters in The War of the Worlds Study
Learn using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check: Characters in The War of the Worlds Learn
Spelling Games: Characters in The War of the Worlds Games
Listen and Spell test: Characters in The War of the Worlds Test
Printable worksheets and activities: Characters in The War of the Worlds Print
Handwriting worksheets: Characters in The War of the Worlds Write

Study the word list: Characters in The War of the Worlds

Explore this spelling list: Characters in The War of the Worlds. This word list provides interactive resources to boost your spelling skills. Choose between our online games and printable spelling lists using the buttons above.

About the word list: Characters in The War of the Worlds

The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells is a science fiction classic that tells the story of a Martian invasion of Earth. Narrated by an unnamed protagonist, it depicts humanity's struggle for survival against technologically advanced Martians and explores themes of colonialism and the fragility of human civilisation.

narrator The narrator, who remains unnamed, recounts the events of the Martian invasion.
artilleryman The artilleryman is a soldier who fights the Martians.
curate The curate doesn't understand why the terrible Martian invasion has happened.
wife The narrator's wife is another unnamed character.
brother The narrator's brother is a medical student.
innkeeper The innkeeper lends the narrator a horse and dogcart.
Ogilvy Ogilvy is an astronomer who tells the narrator about strange explosions on Mars.
Elphinstone The narrator's brother meets Mrs. Elphinstone.
Henderson Henderson is a journalist.

Use the list: Characters in The War of the Worlds


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for Characters in The War of the Worlds Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: Characters in The War of the Worlds

Winter spelling gameSpelling Snowball
Winter spelling fun!

Egg hunt spelling gameEgg Hunt
Crack the eggs!

Word search Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Print version

Against the clock Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.

Mayan Temple spelling gameMayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.

Monkey Business spelling gameMonkey Business
It's bananas!

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Spelling test: Characters in The War of the Worlds Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: Characters in The War of the Worlds

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Handwriting worksheets: Characters in The War of the Worlds Handwriting worksheets: Characters in The War of the Worlds

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