Study the word list: Characters in Witch Child Study
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Study the word list: Characters in Witch Child

Explore this spelling list: Characters in Witch Child. Take advantage of these interactive exercises to help you spell accurately. Click on Learn, Games, Test, Print, or Write to explore all the available spelling tools.

About the word list: Characters in Witch Child

In Witch Child by Celia Rees, young Mary Newbury, accused of witchcraft in 1659 England, escapes persecution by fleeing to America. Guided by her grandmother's teachings and aided by kind strangers, she navigates a world of religious zealotry and fear, all while seeking freedom and self-discovery.

Mary The novel's protagonist, Mary Newbury, is a young girl who is accused of witchcraft after her grandmother's death.
Newbury Mary Newbury is forced to flee to America to escape persecution.
Martha Martha, Mary's grandmother, is accused of being a witch and executed.
Yarrow Widow Yarrow is a kind and compassionate woman who helps Mary when she arrives in the Puritan settlement of Beulah.
jaybird Jaybird is a Native American man who befriends Mary and teaches her about the ways of his people.
Brown Widow Brown is another woman in Beulah who helps Mary adjust to her new life in the settlement.
John John Wheeler is a farmer in Beulah and a love interest for Mary.
Wheeler John Wheeler is a farmer in Beulah and a love interest for Mary.
Eleanor Eleanor is Mary's best friend in Beulah.
Ravenscroft Lord Ravenscroft is a wealthy Englishman who has a connection to Mary's family and plays a significant role in the latter part of the novel.

Use the list: Characters in Witch Child


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for Characters in Witch Child Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: Characters in Witch Child

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Spelling test: Characters in Witch Child Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: Characters in Witch Child

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Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Witch Child Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Witch Child

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