Study the word list: Characters in Enigma Study
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About the word list: Characters in Enigma

Enigma by Robert Harris is a World War II novel set at Bletchley Park, where British codebreakers strive to decrypt German Enigma machine codes. Tom Jericho, a brilliant mathematician, is tasked with deciphering a crucial message. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Jericho and his team race against time to crack the unbreakable code and change the course of the war.

Tom Tom Jericho's expertise in cryptanalysis makes him an invaluable asset in the race against time to crack the seemingly impenetrable Enigma code.
Jericho Tom Jericho's expertise in cryptanalysis makes him an invaluable asset in the race against time to crack the seemingly impenetrable Enigma code.
Hester Hester Wallace's sharp intellect and unyielding determination contribute to the high-stakes atmosphere at Bletchley Park as the team races to decode the Enigma messages.
Wallace Hester Wallace's sharp intellect and unyielding determination contribute to the high-stakes atmosphere at Bletchley Park as the team races to decode the Enigma messages.
Claire Claire Romilly's unwavering loyalty and friendship offer Tom a much-needed anchor as he faces the pressures of decoding the Enigma code and grapples with his own demons.
Romilly Claire Romilly's unwavering loyalty and friendship offer Tom a much-needed anchor as he faces the pressures of decoding the Enigma code and grapples with his own demons.
Puck Puck's unconventional thinking and innovative ideas inject a new energy into the Bletchley Park codebreaking team, offering fresh hope in their mission to break the Enigma code.
Denniston Commander Denniston's strict leadership style and unwavering commitment to the codebreaking mission set the tone for the intense and high-pressure environment at Bletchley Park.
Trowbridge Admiral Trowbridge's unwavering belief in the importance of breaking the Enigma code fuels the determination of the Bletchley Park team, inspiring them to push their limits in pursuit of victory.

Use the list: Characters in Enigma


'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise for Characters in Enigma Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity.

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Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

How to use:

Look and read the word.

Say the word. Click the speaker icon.

Cover the word.

Write the word.

Check your spelling.



English spelling games Spelling games using the word list: Characters in Enigma

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Spelling test: Characters in Enigma Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test.


Worksheets and activities Print spelling worksheets and activities: Characters in Enigma

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Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Enigma Handwriting worksheets: Characters in Enigma

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