Write: qu words
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About this word list ▼
About this word list ▲
What words come to mind when you think of the letter q? Perhaps you've seen it in words like queen or quick, but can you think of any words with the letter q followed by a letter other than u?
Probably not! This is because, in English spelling, q is almost always accompanied by a u. Though there are exceptions, these are usually proper nouns like Qatar and loanwords like qi.
When you see the letters qu together in a word, they create the /kw/ sound.
How quickly can you spell the words in this list? Find out in Against the Clock. Or why not try Bouncing Anagrams? You’ll need to be quick: the balls bounce faster with every word you spell correctly!
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
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