Write: -ey words
Unjoined precursive handwriting worksheets
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Unjoined cursive handwriting worksheets
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Joined cursive handwriting worksheets
About this word list ▼
About this word list ▲
In the English language, there are words that don't follow the usual spelling patterns. At Spellzone, we call these words rulebreakers.
Normally, the long /e/ sound at the end of a word is spelt using just the letter y. In these rulebreakers, the long /e/ sound at the end of each word is spelt with the letter combination ey instead.
As you can’t rely on the normal spelling patterns for these rulebreakers, it’s important that you use the spelling activities to make sure you are confident. Use the Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check activity to learn the words in this list and the Listen and Spell activity to test yourself.
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 7. Long vowels e.g ee, ea or y? oa, o-e, or ow? u-e, ue, or ew?
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