Write: aw words
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In these words, the spelling pattern is aw represents the /or/ sound, like in the words saw, jaw, and drawl
While there are a few other ways of spelling the /or/ sound in English, there are three common situations in which it is likely that you will need to use the aw spelling pattern:
1) At the end of a word, like in paw and claw.
2) Before the letter ālā, such as in crawl and shawl.
3) Before the letter ānā, for example in lawn and yawn.
Occasionally the aw will also appear at the start of the word, like in awkward or awning.
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 14. Spelling choices for /or/ sound: or, ore, au, aw + war
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