Write: Short /i/ spelled y: set 1
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The short /i/ sound is a vowel sound commonly heard in words like sit, bin, and gym It is produced by positioning the tongue close to the front of the mouth, while the lips remain neutral. The vocal cords vibrate briefly, creating a clear and concise sound. This sound is different from the long /i/ sound, as in tree, where the tongue is higher and the sound is extended.
In English, the short /i/ sound is often represented by the letter i. However, sometimes the letter y is used to spell the short /i/ sound instead. The y spelling is common in words of Greek origin.
These spelling activities will help you learn a range of words that spell short /i/ sound with the letter y.
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 6. Short vowels e.g. e or ea? o or u?
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