Learn to spell the word list: ir and ear - longer words using the spelling games on this page.
Some words in English use the letters ir or ear to spell the /er/ sound. This sound is common in longer words like affirm, confirm, and earnest. The ir and ear combinations create a similar sound to er in her.
Here are two examples:
affirm – I affirm my faith in my religion.
earnest – Their conversation sounded very earnest.
These words might feel challenging, but recognising the er pattern will make them easier to spell.
Click on the speaker icon to hear these er words pronounced!
Spelling Snowball
Winter spelling fun!
Egg Hunt
Crack the eggs!
Word Search, small
The classic English word game.
Against the Clock
Spelling 'against the clock'.
Mayan Temple
Try the temple spelling puzzle.
Monkey Business
It's bananas!
Fishy Business
A fishy game that bites!
Rain Drops
A spelling game for a rainy day.
Egg Hunt
Crack the eggs!
Out of this world spelling game!
Bouncing Anagram
A lively anagram spelling game.
Bouncing Anagram Extreme
An extreme anagram game!
Wild West
Get off your horse and spell.
Which Witch
Hangman with a twist.
Sticky Bugs
Catch bugs to spell the words.
Spelling Bee
A 'Spelling Bee' style game.
Cool Spelling
Chill Out!
This word list was created by Spellzone. View more Spellzone course lists or curriculum word lists.
Learn more in Unit 11. Spelling choices for /er/ sound: er, ir, ur, ear + wor
"I would like to thank you so much for this great website. I have always been ashamed of my spelling but after a few lessons I am already better. It is filling in all the gaps. Thanks."
Student, France