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Unit 26: Spelling the endings -le -al -el

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Unit 26: Word endings: -le, and exceptions e.g. -al, -el, -ol

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Spelling the word endings le, al, el

Choose from le, al or el.

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Work out which letters are missing.

Type the whole word:

The film lasts a coup__ of hours.
Is she still in hospit__?
I've had sever__ job offers.
Help me shov__ the snow from the path.
My daughter is very music__.
The car thief broke the hand__.
Emma wants to be a fashion mod__.
Alcohol is illeg__ in some countries.
There was a gradu__ change in the weather.
The lab__ says it's made from fresh fruit.
There must be a logic__ explanation.
Shall I scramb__ the eggs or fry them?

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"Thank goodness for Spellzone during this remote learning phase. The site is easy for students to navigate independently and they're really enjoying the activities and spelling games. You get an awful lot for your money with Spellzone. Really reassuring is the very prompt response with helpdesk queries. I've very rarely needed the helpdesk, but when I have, the issue has been addressed and sorted within a very short time."

Sarah Taggart, Oasis Academy Lord's Hill