Unit 19: Soft g: ge, gi and gy words
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The letter g is used to spell two sounds:
This unit covers the 'soft' sound of g.
We are now going to look at words where this sound appears at the end.
The sound /j/ can be spelled with
either j or g. No English word ends in j. The soft sound at the ends of words in English is spelled with ge. |
In some words, the ge sound comes after the letter d:
Here, the letter d stops the vowel before it saying its name. We pronounce age with a long /a/ sound, because usually with a split digraph like a-e, the e makes the a say its name. But we say badge with a short vowel sound because the letter d stops the split digraph working. |
There are three lists of -ge words below:
ge as in stage | dge as in bridge | age as in luggage |
age cage page rage wage huge hinge fringe twinge plunge barge charge large merge verge forge gorge range change strange bulge scrounge challenge arrange emerge engage exchange diverge revenge orange |
badge cadge edge dredge hedge ledge sledge wedge ridge midge dodge lodge splodge budge drudge fudge grudge judge nudge sludge smudge trudge cartridge partridge allege |
baggage bandage blockage cabbage cottage courage damage foliage garbage hostage image manage message package passage postage sausage savage shortage storage village vintage voltage wreckage advantage average knowledge college privilege |
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