Coastal ________ is when cliffs are worn away by sand, pebbles and boulders flung by the waves.
An ____ is a passage eroded into the headland by the waves.
Rock ______ refers to large boulders placed on the beach as coastal defenses.
_________ is the type of erosion when boulders and rocks carried by the waves bump into each other and break down.
A ___ is a land form that occurs when a spit grows across a bay to create a lagoon.
Bays are curved gaps in the headland that have been eroded due to softer rock.
A _____ is a zone made up of eroded material from elsewhere deposited by the sea.
A ____ is a large hole eroded into a cliff by the waves, caves can eventually become arches.
________ weathering is the decomposition of rock caused by ________ change.
A _____ is the sheer rock face formed by erosion and weathering of the coastline.
Another word for abrasion; _________ is when cliffs are worn away by sediment carried by the waves.
__________ is when the sea loses energy and the materials it is carrying are dropped.
A ____ is a large mound of sand formed by the wind.
Hard ___________ refers to the use of concrete and artificial structures in coastal defenses.
_______ refers to the wearing away and breaking down of material by a moving force.
Gabions are steel wire cages filled with boulders and are used in coastal defences.
A ______ is a wooden barrier placed in the sea to protect against erosion by allowing the beach to grow.
_________ are formed when the softer rock is eroded inland and the harder rock sticks out towards the sea.
_________ power or action is when breaking waves compress air into cracks in a cliff causing the rock to break apart.
_________ drift is the movement of sediment along a beach caused by the zigzag movement of the waves.