The Rocky Mountains have some fantastic _______.
The _________ made a note about the meeting for her boss.
The principal worked hard on ________ a DJ for homecoming.
We went to look at several places of historic ____________.
A parallel example used to illustrate a point; operates rather like an extended ______.
She apologised very _________.
She said she loved him with such _________.
I could see his frustration with the _________.
I was _________ as to whether or not the plan would work.
After the bad news ______ music was played.
Bring me a ________ back from your holiday.
Our classroom is quite small. It is not very ________.
Our care home looks after each resident's ________ needs.
Our train was __________ for over an hour.
I buy all the __________ for our office.
The most recent __________ show the disease to be diminishing.
My magazine ____________ was biannual.
The soccer player was injured and required a __________ to take his place on the field.
The ______________ was confident she was going to solve the case.
I will have to ask a __________ if we stock that item.