The old woman's shrivelled skin looked ________ with age.
Tired and exhausted, he eventually slowed down to a _________ walk.
He looked _______ at the kind offer, eyes full of suspicion and disapproval.
Detective Black tried to figure out the ____________ of the footprints left at the crime scene.
The beast gazed in disbelief at his _________ reflection in the mirror.
The ___________ is the main character in the play.
The haggard old man looked _____ from starvation.
Although the it did not belong to him, he had spent many years as _________ of the old house, caring for it as though it were his own.
At the age of 90 he still showed no signs of ________, his mind and body were like those of a man half his age.
The monster looked primeval, an _________ creature from ancient times.
The top of the snooker table was covered with a bright-green woolen cloth called _____.
The distressed woman's face had the ______ look of death, pale and ashen.
The house was filled with ____________ evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed ____________ powers.
The dead man's _______ haunts the castle at night, he is but a ghost.
The black bird was an ____, a warning sign of bad things to come.
She was a _______ when it came to the lottery, she didn't think she would ever win.