A ______ is an orange root vegetable.
A _______ is a vegetable with thick green or purple leaves around a spherical heart.
A _____ is a very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency.
A ___________ is a vegetable with a compact head of white undeveloped flowers.
An ________ is an egg-shaped vegetable with shiny dark purple skin.
____ is a cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears.
____ is a coarse curly-leafed cabbage.
_______ is a plant with edible leaves.
______ is an aromatic bulb used as seasoning.
A ______ is an edible tuber native to South America.
An _____ is an aromatic flavorful vegetable.
A _______ a large round orange squash.
A ______ is a pungent fleshy edible red or white root.
_______ is a vegetable with dark green leaves.
____ is a tropical starchy tuberous root vegetable.
A ______ is a mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable.
A _____ is a fleshy underground stem or root.
A _________ is an edible plant.