
See print

prints - noun

  • the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication
  • a picture or design printed from an engraving
  • a visible indication made on a surface
  • availability in printed form
  • a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)
  • a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
  • a printed picture produced from a photographic negative
  • prints - thesaurus


    View spelling list Initial and final consonant blends 4 and learn about the word prints in the Spellzone English spelling course, Unit 6. Initial and final blends.

    Scrabble score for prints

    p is 3 r is 1 i is 1 n is 1 t is 1 s is 1
    Scrabble score = 8

    generated at 13:11:42 on 14-08-24

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