
precipitation - noun

  • the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time
  • the process of forming a chemical precipitate
  • the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
  • the act of casting down or falling headlong from a height
  • an unexpected acceleration or hastening
  • overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
  • precipitation - thesaurus

    downfall   haste   hastiness   hurriedness   hurry  

    Scrabble score for precipitation

    p is 3 r is 1 e is 1 c is 3 i is 1 p is 3 i is 1 t is 1 a is 1 t is 1 i is 1 o is 1 n is 1
    Scrabble score = 19

    Please note that scrabble only allows seven tiles to be placed at once.

    generated at 07:03:00 on 14-08-24

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