
drawing - noun

  • an illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book, magazine, or newspaper
  • a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines
  • the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams
  • players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots
  • act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source
  • the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling
  • drawing - thesaurus

    draft   drafting   draftsmanship American English spelling   draught   lottery  

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    Scrabble score for drawing

    d is 2 r is 1 a is 1 w is 4 i is 1 n is 1 g is 2
    Scrabble score = 12

    generated at 11:17:07 on 13-08-24

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