
compound - noun

  • a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts
  • (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight
  • an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient)

  • compound - verb

    • make more intense, stronger, or more marked
    • put or add together
    • calculate principal and interest
    • create by mixing or combining
    • combine so as to form a whole; mix

    compound - adjective

    • composed of more than one part
    • consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts
    • composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony

    compound - thesaurus

    colonial   combine   deepen   heighten   intensify  

    Scrabble score for compound

    c is 3 o is 1 m is 3 p is 3 o is 1 u is 1 n is 1 d is 2
    Scrabble score = 15

    Please note that scrabble only allows seven tiles to be placed at once.

    generated at 01:28:21 on 16-02-25

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