
arrangement - noun

  • the thing arranged or agreed to
  • an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging
  • an organized structure for arranging or classifying
  • the spatial property of the way in which something is placed
  • a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments
  • the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music
  • arrangement - thesaurus

    agreement   arranging   organisation British English spelling   organization American English spelling   placement   system   transcription  

    Scrabble score for arrangement

    a is 1 r is 1 r is 1 a is 1 n is 1 g is 2 e is 1 m is 3 e is 1 n is 1 t is 1
    Scrabble score = 14

    Please note that scrabble only allows seven tiles to be placed at once.

    generated at 11:59:57 on 13-08-24

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