Word for Wednesday: Teacher

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September's Word for Wednesday theme is school

The word school comes from the Old English ‘scol’ meaning ‘place of instruction’, from the Latin ‘schola’ meaning ‘intermission of work’ and ‘leisure for learning’. The idea of children attending a school is from around 1300 and the idea of a school building is from the 1590s.

Last week we looked at the word semester. Our second word of the month is teacher. A teacher is someone whose occupation is imparting skills or knowledge. 

The word teacher dates to around 1300 and comes from the verb ‘teach’. ‘Teach’ comes from the Old English ‘tæcan’ meaning ‘to point out’ or ‘to give instruction’, which in turn comes from the Proto-Germanic ‘taikijan’ meaning ‘to show’.

The term ‘teacher’s pet’ dates to 1856. 

08 Sep 2021
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