Word for Wednesday: Lily

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Our July Word for Wednesday theme is flowers

The word flower entered English around 1200 as ‘flour’ (with spelling variants including ‘flur’, ‘flor’, ‘floer’, ‘flor’, ‘floyer’, and ‘flowre’). It comes from the Old French ‘flor’, from the Latin ‘florem’. The word was used in reference to both blooms and grain until the late fourteenth century, after which the spellings ‘flower’ and ‘flour’ were used to differentiate between the two. 

Last week we looked at the word delphinium. Today’s flower is lily.

A lily is a plant with large, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers. Lilies usually bloom in June and July and commonly grow in white, pink, red, orange, and yellow. 

The word comes from the Old English ‘lilie’, which comes from the Latin ‘lilium’. Lily has been used an adjective to describe things that are ‘pure’ or ‘lovely’ since the 1530s. 

14 Jul 2021
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