June Round-Up 2021

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  • Work your way from a Spelling Newbie to a Spelling Grandmaster by earning achievement points! 

    New Student Titles are now live on Spellzone. Click here to learn how many points you need for each level. 

    If you are a teacher, you can find out a student’s current level by clicking on the star on their profile picture. We have also added Student Titles to the results overview spreadsheet. You can download this at the bottom of your student roll and class pages.
  • We have recently added a bank of Tier 2 words to our Curriculum Word Lists page. 

    Tier 2 words are less common than high frequency words (Tier 1) and are often integral to the comprehension of exam questions or core subject knowledge. Find these lists here.

    We featured a Tier 2 word list in this month’s 3 Word Lists blog post.
  • For our spelling pattern word list in this month’s 3 Word Lists blog post, we chose to look at the long oo sound. You can hear the long oo sound in words like boot, cool, and spoon (but not in words with the short oo sound like book, foot, and look).  

    Practise spelling words with the long oo sound here.  
  • Our Word for Wednesday theme for July was coffee

    Coffee is made by roasting and grinding coffee beans and creating an infusion. The word coffee entered English around 1600 via the Dutch ‘koffie’, which comes from the Turkish ‘kahveh', from the Arabic ‘qahwah’.

    Learn about the origins of of the words espresso, cappuccino, macchiato, latte, and Americano.

    We also included a list of coffee words in our 3 Words blog post.
  • In our 10 Words blog feature we help you expand your vocabulary by choosing a word and offering 10 other words that that you can use instead. This month we looked at 10 words for ... BIG –  why not practise them in a spelling game? We also created a list of all of our 10 words blog posts here


We hope you have a spell-tastic July! 

30 Jun 2021
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"Fantastic - the most relevant material/resource ever seen for both dyslexia and teaching spelling rules."

College Lecturer