Boost Your Vocabulary: 300 Amazing Adjectives to Replace 'Very' (part 2)

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Do you want to become a more powerful writer?

Last week, we shared 150 adjectives to try instead of using the word ‘very’ to emphasise your point.

Here are 150 more words:

  • very impatient:
    restless, antsy, fidgety, agitated, eager
  • very lazy:
    slothful, idle, sluggish, inactive, indolent
  • very lively:
    energetic, vivacious, animated, spirited, dynamic
  • very loud:
    deafening, thunderous, booming, resounding, cacophonous
  • very messy:
    disorganised, untidy, chaotic, cluttered, dishevelled
  • very neat:
    tidy, organised, orderly, immaculate, uncluttered
  • very nervous:
    anxious, jittery, edgy, apprehensive, tense
  • very noisy:
    deafening, cacophonous, uproarious, clamorous, raucous
  • very patient:
    tolerant, enduring, long-suffering, forbearing, uncomplaining
  • very peaceful:
    serene, tranquil, calm, placid, undisturbed
  • very polite:
    courteous, well-mannered, respectful, considerate, genteel
  • very poor:
    destitute, impoverished, indigent, needy, underprivileged
  • very quiet:
    silent, hushed, still, serene, tranquil
  • very relaxed:
    calm, easygoing, laid-back, mellow, unhurried
  • very rich:
    wealthy, affluent, opulent, prosperous, well-off
  • very rude:
    insolent, impolite, disrespectful, discourteous, offensive
  • very sad:
    inconsolable, melancholy, forlorn, miserable, mournful
  • very safe:
    secure, protected, shielded, sheltered, immune
  • very serious:
    grave, solemn, sombre, earnest, sober
  • very shiny:
    gleaming, radiant, luminous, polished, sparkling
  • very slow:
    sluggish, leisurely, crawling, plodding, snail-paced
  • very small:
    tiny, miniature, minuscule, diminutive, microscopic
  • very soft:
    gentle, tender, mild, soothing, delicate
  • very stressed:
    overwhelmed, strained, tense, frazzled, on edge
  • very strong:
    mighty, powerful, robust, sturdy, potent
  • very stupid:
    ignorant, witless, foolish, brainless, unintelligent
  • very tasty:
    delicious, scrumptious, mouthwatering, flavourful, delectable
  • very tired:
    exhausted, drained, fatigued, weary, worn out
  • very ugly:
    monstrous, repugnant, hideous, unsightly, grotesque
  • very weak:
    feeble, frail, delicate, debilitated, powerless

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