Word for Wednesday: Advent

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A blog on things to come…

It’s almost that time of year again and whether love it or hate it, Christmas is an opportunity to spend some time with the people who mean the most – and likely eat far more than is good for you! What’s not to look forward to?

The word ‘advent’ is derived from the Latin ‘ad’ meaning ‘to’ and ‘venire’ – ‘come’. It’s a word that seems fit to burst with promise and expectation. What do those two words mean to you? ‘To come…’ To me, it almost interrogative: ‘what is to come?

There is an element of duality within the word too, advent not only anticipates the beginning of something but also brings the previous period to a reflective close – a word trapped in a limbo of the now.

Every year though, I can’t help but feel that the build up to Christmas with all of its festivities, coziness and merry anticipation can be even more enjoyable than the day itself. Despite the perpetually early Christmas commercials we get year after year (I believe they’ve already begun advertising for Christmas 2014!), I think advent is an appropriate time to start getting excited, and if not… Bah Humbug!

Hugh MacDermott

04 Dec 2013
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