Spellzone Starter Course

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If you’ve been on our homepage recently, you may have noticed a link to the Spellzone Starter Course, a new resource we’ve added to the site just in time to celebrate the new school year.

What is the Spellzone Starter Course?

The Spellzone Starter Course is designed to take students through the early stages of phonic spelling and to improve literacy levels in schools. As an entry-level resource, the Starter Course is aimed at primary pupils, older students who are still struggling with basic spelling concepts, and ESL and EAL students. Like the main Spellzone course, the Starter Course’s structure, teaching points, and practice exercises are suitable for learners with spelling difficulties such as dyslexia.

What does the new course include?

On the new Starter Course, phonic sounds are introduced a few at a time so that the learner is not overloaded. Each teaching page is followed by activities and tests which only include the words that have been taught. The course also features pre-loaded word lists including the 100 high-frequency words referenced in the DfE document Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics.

After completing the Starter Course students can move onto the main Spellzone course which provides comprehensive teaching in English spelling rules and includes extensive course word lists and practice in the form of interactive tests and games. On the main Spellzone course, students and teachers may create individual spelling lists for subject-specific vocabulary or problem words. All Spellzone word lists, including those created by users, can be translated into 35 different languages and are automatically integrated into the spelling activities and games.

Spellzone tracks all student activity and progress and makes it easy to monitor or report on whole class or individual student development.

Where can I use the Spellzone Starter Course?

Spellzone can be accessed on school computers, home computers and on mobile devices. The content and all teaching points are presented clearly in a logical progression. There are a variety of different Spellzone subscriptions from single-user accounts to school-wide access. Find out more here.

I already have a Spellzone subscription – do I need to buy another one to access the starter course?

No! The Starter Course is included as part of your current Spellzone subscription.

What have others said about the Spellzone?

"We have had lots of positive feed-back from schools during development and are excited about this addition to Spellzone. The Starter Course is included in a Spellzone subscription so schools can use this new resource without paying a penny more!"
Barry Perks, Director, Spellzone

"Spellzone really is an incredibly simple, engaging and cost effective resource for schools to use and administer, and it makes a big difference to literacy levels.
Mary Griffiths, Director of Inclusion, Millthorpe School, York.

Where do I sign up?

Spellzone are offering schools a 30-day free trial of the whole site, including the new Starter Course, followed by a half -price first year subscription! Sign up here.

There are free units available for individuals and families to try.

I have more questions – who do I speak to?

Click here for all our contact information.

21 Sep 2015
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"This is a fantastic opportunity for our students!  I'm sure Spellzone will be invaluable in helping them to improve their spellings and therefore improve the quality of their writing in all subject areas!"

Teacher, High School, UK