400 followers and counting...

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English teacher Mrs. V. Mahmoud from the Eaton Bank Academy in Cheshire, UK recently became the 400th person to follow Spellzone on Twitter. To celebrate this milestone Mrs. Mahmoud was contacted by Spellzone and offered a free subscription to the online English spelling course for her school.

For the next twelve months up to 1000 students at Eaton Bank will be able to practice their own word lists and brush up on all the English spelling rules in school, at home and on their mobile devices.

Mrs. Mahmoud said "This is a fantastic opportunity for our students! I'm sure this will be invaluable in helping them to improve their spellings and therefore improve the quality of their writing in all subject areas! We're really looking forward to using this in school and the fact that students can access it at home makes this a flexible programme that can meet the needs of all of our students."

We will be giving away another subscription for the 500th follower so watch this space!

21 Oct 2014
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"I would like to thank you so much for this great website. I have always been ashamed of my spelling but after a few lessons I am already better. It is filling in all the gaps. Thanks."

Student, France