3 Word Lists for September 2022

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  1. al’ as a suffix

    Our spelling pattern for September is al’ as a suffix. As -al is a vowel suffix, any vowel at the end of a root word is removed before the suffix is added.  Practise this spelling pattern in Unit 26.
  2. Key Stage 3: Science

    The new school term is the perfect time to refamiliarise yourself will Spellzone's features.  Don’t forget Spellzone doesn’t need to be limited to the English department: our word lists are the perfect tool for learning new topic words in primary schools and new subject-specific vocabulary at KS3 and GCSE level. Why not try this KS3 Science list?
  3. 10 Words for ... SURPRISED

    In our 10 Words blog posts, we share 10 alternatives to a common word to help you expand your vocabulary. Did you know each blog post also includes a word list so that you can practise using the words in context? Learn 10 other ways to say the word surprised

01 Sep 2022
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"I ran the trial with a small group of students over three weeks before the summer holidays," she says. "I quickly saw the benefits, and signed up."

King's Leadership Academy, Warrington