3 Word Lists for May

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  1. Words ending in 'er'

    In American English, the weak vowel ending is sometimes spelt with the letters 'er'. Learn more about the differences between British English and American English in Unit 36.
  2. Ballroom Dancing

    Is your spelling better than your samba? Can you remember how to spell rumba? We hope you enjoy practising these ballroom-themed words. Why not add an extra spring to your step and test yourself in our Bouncing Anagrams game?
  3. 10 Words for...Said

    Are you trying to find the perfect way of saying something?  Perhaps the word you’re looking for is…




    In our 10 Words blog series, we share 10 alternatives to a common word to help you expand your vocabulary. Each blog post also includes a word list so that you can practise using the words in context. 


03 May 2022
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"Spellzone fits in beautifully with our Scope and Sequence of Phonological Awareness and Spelling. It also aligns perfectly with the four areas of spelling knowledge and uses the Brain, Ears, Eyes approach to learning spelling."
Thank you!

Teacher, Australia