3 Word Lists for June 2021

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Did you know there are over a million word lists on Spellzone? Every word list can be used in a variety of online and offline activities – learn more about them here.

Here are 3 Word Lists for June: 

  1. Tier 2 Words (abandon - adults)

    We have recently added a bank of Tier 2 words to our Curriculum Word Lists page. 

    Tier 2 words are less common than high frequency words (Tier 1) and are often integral to the comprehension of exam questions or core subject knowledge. Find these lists here
  2. The long /oo/ sound

    For our spelling pattern word list this month, we’ve chosen to look at the long oo sound. You can hear the long oo sound in words like boot, cool, and spoon (but not in words with the short oo sound like book, foot, and look).

    Practise spelling words with the long oo sound here
  3. Coffee Drinks

    This month’s Word for Wednesday theme is coffee and we’ll be looking at the words espresso, cappuccino, macchiato, latte, and Americano. Learn to spell these coffee words and more here


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01 Jun 2021
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"I would like to thank you so much for this great website. I have always been ashamed of my spelling but after a few lessons I am already better. It is filling in all the gaps. Thanks."

Student, France