3 Word Lists for June

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  1. Words ending in 'ery'

    This month's spelling pattern is words ending in 'ery'. In these words, the weak vowel sound before a 'y' is spelled with the letters 'er'. Practise this spelling pattern in Unit 25.
  2. Platinum Jubilee Spelling Words

    June marks the celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. This means seventy years have passed since her coronation in 1953. How many of these royal words can you spell?
  3. Under the Sea

    June 8 marks UN World Oceans Day. The event is ‘an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humankind derives from the ocean and our individual and collective duty to use its resources sustainably.’ Why not try spelling these under-the-sea words in our Fishy Business game?  


02 Jun 2022
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"Thank goodness for Spellzone during this remote learning phase. The site is easy for students to navigate independently and they're really enjoying the activities and spelling games. You get an awful lot for your money with Spellzone. Really reassuring is the very prompt response with helpdesk queries. I've very rarely needed the helpdesk, but when I have, the issue has been addressed and sorted within a very short time."

Sarah Taggart, Oasis Academy Lord's Hill