25 Idioms about Water

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  1. as dull as dishwater/ditch water – incredibly boring 
  2.  blood is thicker than water – loyalty to family is the most important 
  3. come hell or high water – despite any difficulties that may occur 
  4. dead in the water – unable to move, unable to function in its usual way 
  5. doesn't hold water – isn’t valid, isn’t reasonable 
  6. in deep water(s) – in trouble, in a difficult or dangerous situation
  7. in hot water – in trouble 
  8. like a duck to water – able to pick something up very quickly and easily 
  9. like a fish out of water – in an uncomfortable/awkward situation
  10. mouth-watering – delicious 
  11. still waters run deep – a seemingly quiet manner can hide a more passionate nature
  12. to blow something out the water – to discredit something by exposing its flaws or by creating something better 
  13. to cast your bread upon the waters – to do something good without expecting a reward 
  14. to dip your toe in the water – to test/try something cautiously 
  15. to go through fire and water – to face any danger 
  16. to keep your head above the water – to stop yourself from giving in to difficulties, to keep out of debt 
  17. to muddy the waters – to complicate a situation
  18. to pour cold water on something – to be negative about something
  19. to pour oil on troubled waters – to try and placate people who are having a disagreement or dispute 
  20. to throw the baby out with the bath water – to accidentally discard something valuable along with other useless objects 
  21. to walk on water – to do something that seems like it should be impossible
  22. troubled waters – a difficult situation 
  23. water off a duck’s back – a mean comment that doesn’t appear to have an effect on the person it’s about 
  24. water under the bridge – previous events that are now deemed inconsequential 
  25. watering hole – pub or bar

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29 Apr 2019
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