2023 Round-up 

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Each month in 2023, we shared 3 word lists to help students build vocabulary and improve spelling. Follow the links to find each month’s word lists: JanuaryFebruaryMarch, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Don’t forget all Spellzone word lists can be used in a range of online and offline activities.

We put together a list of every blog series we've shared over the years, including Commonly Confused Words, 10 Words , and American English vs. British English.

We added to our Commonly Confused Words series with berry vs. bury, meat vs. meet, oar vs. or vs. ore, and sleigh vs. slay; and expanded our 10 Words series with synonyms for embarrassed, friend, and quiet.  

In 2023, we also started a new series called Boost Your Vocabulary:

We put together a list of Spellzone Guides and, as usual, we shared plenty of tips and ideas:

Finally, we explored easy-peasy expressions, tennis-themed vocabulary for the Wimbledon championships, summer holiday reading ideas, and frightful mistakes to avoid at Halloween

Thank you for the wonderful feedback you've been sharing with us this year on EdTech Impact. If Spellzone is a useful resource in your school, please consider filling in this survey. Your insights will help other teachers find us and ensure we can continue to improve Spellzone for schools all over the world.

From all the team at Spellzone, Happy New Year!


29 Dec 2023
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"This is a fantastic opportunity for our students!  I'm sure Spellzone will be invaluable in helping them to improve their spellings and therefore improve the quality of their writing in all subject areas!"

Teacher, High School, UK