10 Words for … HARDWORKING

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Back at school and looking for words to describe your rejuvenated approach to your studies? This is the article for you! 

Last month we launched a new 10 Words blog feature designed to help you expand your vocabulary.  In each article we choose a word and give you ten other words that you might be able to use in its place.

Our first article of the month looked at the word happy and this week our chosen word is hardworking. 

Here are ten alternate words and some example sentences: 

1.    Assiduous – marked by care and persistent effort

  • She was assiduous in her search for primary sources while writing her history essay. 

2.    Conscientious – characterised by extreme care and great effort

  • He was a conscientious student who took her studies very seriously. 

3.    Diligent – characterised by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks, quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness

  • She diligently checked her calculations. 

4.    Indefatigable – showing sustained enthusiastic action 

  • He had an indefatigable love of work.

5.    Industrious ­– characterised by hard work and perseverance, working hard to promote an enterprise

  • Her approach to her Business Studies project was very industrious

6.    Persevering – quietly and steadily continuing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success

  • The teacher was proud of her student for persevering with his spelling. 

7.    Sedulous – marked by care and persistent effort

  • The sedulous student received an award for her hard work. 

8.    Studious – marked by care and effort

  •  He was a quiet and studious boy.

9.    Tireless – characterised by hard work and perseverance

  • She worked tirelessly to bring up her spelling grade.

10.  Unflagging – unceasing, persistent 

  • He was known for his unflagging enthusiasm for his studies. 

If you want to practise spelling these words, you can find them in a word list here

How many more synonyms for hardworking can you think of? 

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12 Sep 2019
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"I have just subscribed and look forward to continuing to use Spellzone. I have been really impressed with the program during the trial period and the students gave very positive feedback. Many thanks."

Teacher, International School, Geneva