Making Spellzone a Team Effort: 3 Simple Ways to Involve Parents and Carers in the Learning Journey

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We know that involving parents and carers in their children's learning journey can be a game-changer - especially when it comes to remote learning!

At Spellzone, we're here to help you make this as simple as possible. 

Here are 3 easy ways to get parents involved, complete with links to the necessary documents:

  1. Sample introductory letter and consent form

    If your school is new to Spellzone, this adaptable letter explains the benefits of Spellzone and how the students can participate.

    As each school uses Spellzone differently, make sure you edit the sample letter to suit your school’s specific purposes. You can also adapt and send home this consent form if appropriate. 
  2. Login cards with QR codes for every student

    Once you have added your students and classes to Spellzone, you can print off letters containing each student’s login details straight from the Students or Classes tab on the blue bar. Choose your class and scroll down to ‘Print parent letter for all students’. 

    To make it easier for parents and carers to help their children use Spellzone, each letter contains instructions and a scannable QR code which will automatically log students in. 
  3. A Guide to Spellzone for Parents

    Our Parents’ Guide covers the Spellzone resource in more detail, including its various features and what parents and carers can do to support their children.

    Depending on how you are intending on using Spellzone in your school, you can send this guide home as a booklet or present it as a slideshow during a parents' meeting.


If your school has been affected by the RAAC issues, Spellzone can help facilitate remote learning. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

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14 Sep 2023
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"This is a fantastic opportunity for our students!  I'm sure Spellzone will be invaluable in helping them to improve their spellings and therefore improve the quality of their writing in all subject areas!"

Teacher, High School, UK