How to use Spellzone in the workplace

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Why is good spelling important in the workplace?

  • Spelling mistakes can end up losing companies millions in revenue, both through reprinting costs and lost sales. Making a good impression is vital and Spellzone is the perfect course for catching up on the things you may have missed or forgotten from school. If you think poor spelling may be affecting your business, you can purchase a site license for your company, which will allow all of your staff members to access our resources.

Here is what Rebecca Healy, the Learning Centre Coordinator at John Lewis Partners, has to say about Spellzone:

I believe this is a fantastic resource for Partners. Whether you found spelling hard at school, are dyslexic, or simply wish to finally get those few words that you always spell wrong programmed in your mind, this resource will help. Partners are logging in and using it already and have said the site is easy to use and they love that their families benefit from using our subscription too.

You can read the rest of John Lewis Partners’ case study here. If you would like to have a go at some of our free units, click here.

  • Around half of the CVs received by recruitment consultants contain spelling and grammar mistakes, so good spelling is important in terms of standing out when applying for a job. First impressions, after all, are everything. For details on how to purchase an individual Spellzone site license, click here.

Why is Spellzone suitable for the workplace?

  • The Spellzone course is unique in that it was designed specifically with older students in mind. The course is made up of a set of units which students may either work through chronologically or dip in and out of. The ‘dip in’ nature of the course makes it particularly suitable for the workplace, as spelling units can be completed in between other tasks, and also because different students may wish to work on different units depending on their strengths and weaknesses.
  • As each student is given an individual login name and password, they will be able to access Spellzone at any time and from any device which has access to the internet. This means the site will be accessible to members of staff outside of working hours. Tutors may also keep track of which units the students have completed.
  • The Spellzone course is based around a series of word lists. Students can learn a list of words (by looking at them, by hearing them pronounced, by practicing how to use them in sentences, and by using them in word games) and then test themselves on how they are spelled. Both tutors and students can create word lists which means that Spellzone can be adapted to any field or set of job requirements. The word lists are a great way of learning how to spell technical terms that are relevant to a very specific field, such as electronics, accountancy, or law.
  • Finally, Spellzone is suitable for second-language English speakers, and thus is appropriate for all businesses which communicate in English no matter where in the world they are based. Next week we will take a closer look at how Spellzone can be tailored to support second-language English speakers – stay tuned!

30 Sep 2013
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"I have just subscribed and look forward to continuing to use Spellzone. I have been really impressed with the program during the trial period and the students gave very positive feedback. Many thanks."

Teacher, International School, Geneva