A Comprehensive List of English Idioms

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If you’re one of our regular readers you’ll be familiar with articles about idioms, but every now and then we like to share a recap for our new subscribers. 

Here are Spellzone we believe that one of the reasons English is such a difficult language to learn is because it’s full of idioms. Every few weeks we take a list of popular idioms and translate them for our second-language English speakers.

An idiom is an expression which has a figurative meaning rather than a literal one. For example, when someone says ‘needle in a haystack’ they probably aren’t actually talking about a needle and a haystack, but about something that is as difficult to find as a needle in a haystack would be. Idioms vary from region to region and from country to country—there are thousands of idioms in the English language.

Here is a list of all our Idioms blog posts:  

25 Aug 2020
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Anne Shisler, SENCO, City of London School for Girls